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September is Stressful, but it Doesn’t Have to be.

September is Stressful, but it Doesn’t Have to be.

Is September a stressful time for you? Summer’s over, companies are kicking off their Q1, kids are starting a new year at school… back to reality.

It has become the “norm” to be stressed. We get stressed in traffic, when technology doesn’t work the way we want, when a loved one doesn’t behave the way we like…I can go on forever. These frustrations can lead to unhappiness, relationship problems, work problems…not what we want.


Here are some of my favorite ways for diffusing stress:

1. Focus on your breathing. I use a technique called the ‘4-7-8 method’. Try inhaling for 4 seconds, holding your breath for 7 seconds, and then exhaling for 8 seconds. Do this 5 times. Practice the 4-7-8 method whenever anything upsetting happens- before you react. Use it whenever you are aware of internal tension. Use it to help you fall asleep. Use it to deal with food cravings.


Image result for breathing exercises in yoga

2. Play relaxing music. Some people prefer classical music or sounds from nature, but your idea of “relaxing” music may be different.

3. If you’re in a high stress environment, leave for a short walk. Take some deep breaths and clear your head before returning.

4. Take a hot bath or shower to release tension in your muscles. If you can’t do that, wash your hands in warm water, and massage up and down your arms.


Image result for relax bath


5. The next time you experience stress or frustration, try to be aware of it. Be mindful that you’re unhappy with something or someone, that you’re feeling frustration in your body somehow. When you are aware of what your body is reacting to and what it needs, you will be better equipped to deal with stress and may possibly even prevent it altogether.


That being said, I wish you a stress free day and week ahead!

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AMG Therapy

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